
Listed below is general aftercare we advise to the clients of The Gilded Goblin Tattoo. Each artist will have specific aftercare instructions that will cater specifically to their tattoo process so above all else listen to your artist regarding your aftercare. Please bare in mind that a tattoo is essentially an open wound, keeping it clean is crucial and the most important thing you can take from this form. Tattoos generally take 3-6 weeks to heal but depending on the piece and person this can vary.

When leaving the studio
You will leave the studio with glad wrap on your tattoo as a protective barrier. Remove and reapply the glad wrap every 3 hours, do this gently to reduce risk of any damage. Before you reapply make sure to follow the below washing instructions.

Wash the tattoo
Gently wash the tattoo with warm to lukewarm water with fragrance free antibacterial hand pump soap. Gently pat dry with paper towel or let it air dry. Do not use a standard towel due to fibres getting stuck in the tattoo.

Tattoo balm
Less is more! We recommend only using balm as required, if your skin is starting to feel dry that is when you should apply a thin layer no more than 2-3 times a day. We recommend using Inky Tattoo Salve which can be purchased online but we also stock in the studio, we are also able to recommend suitable alternatives for you.

Keep out of direct sun and stagnant water
Keep your tattoo out of direct sunlight and no swimming or submerging in water (i.e baths, pools, the ocean etc) during the healing process, 3-6 weeks. Showers are fine!

Keep in mind
You should not pick or peel any scabs as this will increase the potential for infection and may damage the tattoo. If your fur babies sleep on the bed make sure to change your sheets and keep them off the bed during the healing process.